Campaign Maga patriot outreach schedule for week #1

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One candidate just had a fundraiser where tickets to get in were $1,000 per couple!!! Holy cow!! 😱 That eliminates almost EVERYONE in the public! So for EVERYONE ELSE OUT THERE THAT MATTERS and couldn't even begin to come up with $1,000 to meet a candidate, you can come by the City Park at any of these locations listed below and donate what you are able to in these tough economic times! $5, $10, $20 all adds up and means even more to me than the few people that can actually afford $1,000 for a dinner right now!! Good grief! 😕

Wednesday April 3rd, I will be doing the first week in my campaign series of my "MAGA Patriot outreach 'Meet and Greet in the Park" to hand out signs, copies of my Bill, bumper stickers, sell books, take pics etc at:

1.) Ritzville Veterans Memorial and Children's Park from 12-1pm

2.) The Park in Sprague from 2-3pm

3.) The Waterfront park in Medical Lake from 4-5pm.

Anyone that wants to come with us for a day of fun is absolutely welcome to join us! PLEASE SHARE and FORWARD! Spread the word!

Make plans to stop by and talk to me, get your sign, bumper sticker and get your picture taken with me and my lifesize stand up of Trump! MAGA all the way!! ()